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( ! ) Warning: Undefined array key "freespins_count" in /home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/templates_c/ocean/7ea72446bcec4bb952e010d69ef7aa58c96e0798_0.file.fortunewheel.tpl.php on line 165
Call Stack
10.0001368336{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.1539896864require_once( '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/view.php ).../index.php:64
30.55762529520Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->display( $template = 'main.tpl', $cache_id = ???, $compile_id = ???, $parent = ??? ).../view.php:234
40.55762529520Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute( $template = 'main.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, $function = 1 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:134
50.55782551168Smarty_Internal_Template->render( $no_output_filter = FALSE, $display = 1 ).../smarty_internal_templatebase.php:238
60.55792553016Smarty_Template_Compiled->render( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'settings' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sectors' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'countSectors' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currencyLine' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'bids' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currency' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'freeSpins' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'nextFreeSpinAt' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'content_templ' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'domain_logo' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'domain_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cdn_path_image' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'randnum' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'canonical' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cur_tour' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'share_tour' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'available_bonuses' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'user_vip' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'user_vip_course' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'vip' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sub_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'h1' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'description' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'content' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enterOutputTransaction' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enterOutputTransactionCount' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'balanceLogs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'balanceLogsCount' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'domain' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_code' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_code' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'exchange_usd_rate' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'available_currencies' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'language' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'available_langs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'theme_url' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'game_categories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'game_categories_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'providers_arr' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'games_array' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'url_parts' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_mobile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'jackpot_list' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'jack_sum' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'countPaidPayments' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'points_name' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'side_categories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'outpay_tax_perc' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'next_cashback_date' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'user_cashback' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enable_betting_module' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enable_poker_module' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; 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public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1729618213.9226; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/templates_c/ocean/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; private $isMutingUndefinedOrNullWarnings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = FALSE; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/#/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/ocean/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; 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public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1729618213.9226; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/templates_c/ocean/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/cache/'; 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public $parent = class Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = FALSE; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/#/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/ocean/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_joined_config_dir = NULL; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; 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public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1729618213.9226; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/templates_c/ocean/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; private $isMutingUndefinedOrNullWarnings = FALSE }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = FALSE; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/#/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/ocean/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_joined_config_dir = NULL; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = TRUE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = FALSE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = NULL; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 999; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1729618213.9226; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/templates_c/ocean/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; private $isMutingUndefinedOrNullWarnings = FALSE }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '40d55a5ab8ae865b8fff0ce6b461d16089b4d6cf'; public $resource = 'main.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = 'main.tpl'; public $filepath = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/ocean/main.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1729259350; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'main.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'c14a6335acd96615b1fb4b398adef49e46f93e5e'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = []; public $endRenderCallbacks = []; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/templates_c/ocean/40d55a5ab8ae865b8fff0ce6b461d16089b4d6cf_0.file.main.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1729261192; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_67126e88cb7ce9_69731481'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_template_resource_base.php:123
90.55882653320Smarty_Internal_Template->_subTemplateRender( $template = 'fortunewheel.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $caching = 0, $cache_lifetime = 0, $data = [], $scope = 0, $forceTplCache = TRUE, $uid = ???, $content_func = ??? ).../40d55a5ab8ae865b8fff0ce6b461d16089b4d6cf_0.file.main.tpl.php:214
100.55882655928Smarty_Internal_Template->render( $no_output_filter = ???, $display = ??? ).../smarty_internal_template.php:386
110.55892656408Smarty_Template_Compiled->render( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'settings' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sectors' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'countSectors' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currencyLine' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'bids' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currency' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'freeSpins' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'nextFreeSpinAt' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'content_templ' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'domain_logo' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'domain_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cdn_path_image' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'randnum' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'canonical' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cur_tour' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'share_tour' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'available_bonuses' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'user_vip' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'user_vip_course' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'vip' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sub_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'h1' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'description' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'content' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enterOutputTransaction' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enterOutputTransactionCount' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'balanceLogs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'balanceLogsCount' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'domain' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_code' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_code' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'exchange_usd_rate' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'available_currencies' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'language' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'available_langs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'theme_url' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'game_categories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'game_categories_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'providers_arr' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'games_array' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'url_parts' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_mobile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'jackpot_list' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'jack_sum' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'countPaidPayments' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'points_name' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'side_categories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'outpay_tax_perc' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'next_cashback_date' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'user_cashback' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enable_betting_module' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enable_poker_module' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sector' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'key' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startAngle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'endAngle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sectorId' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rotate' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = class Smarty { ... }; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { ... }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'main.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'c14a6335acd96615b1fb4b398adef49e46f93e5e'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = FALSE; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/#/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/ocean/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_joined_config_dir = NULL; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = TRUE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = FALSE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = NULL; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 999; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1729618213.9226; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/templates_c/ocean/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/cache/'; 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public $templateId = '110b5103f92be4f9d9ba43bebccd0af848ad67e2'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = []; public $endRenderCallbacks = []; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $filepath = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/templates_c/ocean/7ea72446bcec4bb952e010d69ef7aa58c96e0798_0.file.fortunewheel.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1728472012; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_670663cc9c24f7_49241964'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE; public $nocache_hash = NULL } } ).../smarty_internal_template.php:217
120.55992656600Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'settings' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sectors' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'countSectors' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currencyLine' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'bids' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currency' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'freeSpins' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'nextFreeSpinAt' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'content_templ' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'domain_logo' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'domain_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cdn_path_image' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'randnum' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'canonical' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cur_tour' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'share_tour' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'available_bonuses' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'user_vip' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'user_vip_course' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'vip' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sub_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'h1' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'description' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'content' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enterOutputTransaction' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enterOutputTransactionCount' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'balanceLogs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'balanceLogsCount' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'domain' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'footer_code' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_code' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'exchange_usd_rate' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'available_currencies' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'language' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'available_langs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'theme_url' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'game_categories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'game_categories_preview' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'providers_arr' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'games_array' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'url_parts' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_mobile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'jackpot_list' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'jack_sum' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'countPaidPayments' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'points_name' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'side_categories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'outpay_tax_perc' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'next_cashback_date' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'user_cashback' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enable_betting_module' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'enable_poker_module' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sector' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'key' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startAngle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'endAngle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sectorId' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rotate' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = class Smarty { ... }; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { ... }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'main.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = 'c14a6335acd96615b1fb4b398adef49e46f93e5e'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $smarty = class Smarty { public $_objType = 1; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = FALSE; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 0; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/#/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/templates/ocean/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_joined_config_dir = NULL; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = TRUE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = FALSE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = NULL; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 999; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1729618213.9226; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/templates_c/ocean/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/u554907520/domains/development-casinos.com/public_html/engine/cache/'; 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